34 research outputs found

    Mobile Phones and the Livelihoods of Indonesian Micro-Entrepreneurs: Evidence of Capability Expansion

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    Mobile phone is one of a few technologies in the world that have created immediate and widespread of an impact mobile phones. The impact of the mobile technology for development has been seen from many different perspectives, but few empirical studies have investigates the technology in relation to human development perspectives and in particular Capability Approach. The present study fills this important gap in the literature. Focusing on micro-entrepreneurs in Indonesia including women and disabled micro-entrepreneurs, this paper investigates how the mobile phones create new and expand existing capabilities of micro-entrepreneurs in running business and improving their livelihoods

    Understanding ICT strategy of women small business owners in developing countries: Linking social media use, business strategy and well-being

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    Micro and small businesses (1-20 employees) comprises more than 70-95% of all business globally, provide important contributions to social and economic development and have been at the forefront of job creation (OECD, 2017). The use of mobile internet technology such as social media by small businesses has been receiving much attention, particularly for its potential in reaching wider customer base. The research aims to explore the use of social media by women small business owners in relation to business strategies and objectives from human development perspective. In doing so, we are guided by the interrelating concept of personal value, business strategy and well-being perceptions. This paper reports a preliminary result of the study based on three interviews with women small business owners. The findings show social media strategy are directed towards fulfilling business objective and at the same time achieving valued goals around family commitments and other social well-being

    A Taxonomy of Motives for Cloud ERP Adoption

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    Much of the existing literature focuses on critical factors for successfully introducing cloud ERP systems. However, researchers have paid relatively scant attention to identifying the underlying motives that persuade organisations to consider adopting cloud ERP systems successfully. Understanding organisational motives are essential because: a) they can affect the extent of cloud ERP deployment and b) changes that organisations are willing to incorporate for achieving the expected business values. Based on a content analysis of 40 online Australian case stories, this research reports an empirically derived taxonomy of organisational motives for adopting cloud ERP. The 2-dimensional taxonomy consists of types and locus of motive. The strategic motives were found to be the most significant type of motive for cloud ERP adoption, whereas the internal motives indicated a stronger influence on the adoption decision. The proposed taxonomy provides a springboard for further studies to investigate motivations for the adoption of cloud ERP

    Investigating Cloud ERP Adoption in Australian Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study

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    Background: Some higher education institutions (HEIs) are constantly under pressure to deliver superior quality education services at low costs through deploying traditional on-premise systems. Cloud-based enterprise resource planning (Cloud ERP) presents an ideal opportunity to lower HEI costs in terms of scalability and pay-per-use features. Adoption of Cloud ERP is, however, still low for the context of HEIs. The successful adoption of Cloud ERP depends not only on the support of system providers but also on understanding Cloud ERP adoption from the client organization perspective. This study explores Cloud ERP adoption in the context of Australian HEIs. Method: This study adopted a case study methodology involving the in-depth semi structured interviews of several key stakeholders. Thematic analysis was used to analyze and interpret interview data. Results: Based on the case study, our findings suggest that this particular Australian HEI was subject to strategic, operational, technological, and financial motives originating from either internal or external locus. Most of the expected motives were realized, except the full flexibility of Cloud ERP. Four major challenges of Cloud ERP implementation were found. Conclusion: This study empirically investigates Cloud ERP adoption in HEIs by identifying the motives, realized benefits and challenges of Cloud ERP adoption, which bridges the research gap of this topic. This study could assist Cloud ERP providers to adjust their marketing strategies to promote the adoption rate of Cloud ERP in HEIs. Understanding the motives, challenges and benefits of IT adoption in HEIs facilitates judicious decision-making prior to selection and minimizes the possibility of the failure of Cloud ERP adoption

    A Taxonomy of Challenges for Cloud ERP Systems Implementation

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    Though success stories of Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning systems (Cloud ERP) are frequently published, the failure rate of Cloud ERP is relatively less reported and discussed. Implementing Cloud ERP systems is not always easy, and at times very challenging. Hence, client organizations and vendors should be aware of challenges to help ensure successful implementation of Cloud ERP systems. The aim of this study is to develop a taxonomy of Cloud ERP implementation challenges. A set of thirty-one challenges was identified from a systematic literature review, and were then categorized by following the taxonomy development process proposed by Nickerson et al. (2013). The taxonomy consists of two dimensions: type of challenges and locus of challenges. Our proposed taxonomy has implications for providing a springboard for further theory development in the Cloud ERP domai

    Smart Chicken Poultry Farm Using IoT Techniques (smart-chicken-poultry-farm-using-iot-techniques)

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    Abstract—This research aims to design a monitoring system for temperature, humidity, and harmful gas levels in chicken coops using an internet of things (IoT) based system. The system design uses a DHT 22 sensor to detect temperature and humidity and an MQ-135 sensor to monitor the quality of ammonia gas (NH3). The designed system is also expected to control the fan and lights to maintain the cage's stable temperature and humidity. The data from the two sensors are connected to the internet network with the ESP8266 module and the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller. The data is then displayed on the LCD and sent to the smartphone application for remote notification via an 800L GSM SIM. Based on the test data carried out later, it can be concluded whether this IOT-based control system provides convenience for farmers to reduce mortality and delays in chicken growth. If successful, the data can be accessed in real-time using a smartphone application. Index Terms—Smart system, Chicken farm, Io

    Rancang Bangun Smart Faring 4.0 degan Teknologi Mobile Collaboration Berbas Internet of Things (IoT) pada Industri Peternakan Ayam: (Real-time monitoring suhu, kelembaban, gas berbahaya dan bobot ayam broiler)

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    Pemilihan ukuran kandang ayam broiler bertujuan untuk dapat mengetahui kebutuhan yang diperlukan oleh peternak, kandang ayam broiler ada tiga jenis yaitu kandang box, kandang susun dan kandang tangga, oleh karena itu dalam hal penelitian untuk pengendalian suhu dan kelembaban kandang ayam broiler ini, akan menggunakan kandang jenis box. Kandang jenis box sangat cocok untuk ayam broiler berumur 1-15 hari dikarenakan untuk pengendalian suhu dan kelembaban agar lebih stabil. Kandang box yang digunakan dengan ukuran 160cm x 60cm x 40cm dengan kapasitas jumlah ayam broiler sebanyak 15 ekor. Setelah mendapatkan ukuran dan jumlah ayam broiler dalam kandang, langkah selanjutnya adalah pemilihan bahan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan kandang ayam broiler yaitu triplek dengan ukuran 6 mm untuk dinding, jaring kawat sebagai bagian depan, kayu balok ukuran 4 cm sebagai kaki penyanggah kandang dan kerangka kandang

    Aplikasi Mobile Forensik Pada Telpon Cerdas

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    Perkembangan teknologi di dunia perangkat mobile semakin berkembang. Namun dari perkembangan tersebut memiliki dampak kerugian salah satunya adalah tindakan cybercrime. Cybercrime adalah tindak kejahatan yang menggunakan teknologi informasi, salah satunya adalah menggunakan perangkat mobile android. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan NIST Measurements sebagai acuan untuk kriteria alat forensik. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan aplikasi Autopsy untuk menganalisis data yang telah diakuisisi. Hasil dari 2 objek penelitian yang digunakan hasil presentase kinerja Autopsy mengembalikan dan memulihkan data telpon cerdas

    Assessment of Implementation of the Modern Outpatient Information Systems in Indonesia: A Public Health Collaborative Approach.

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    Each year, Indonesian hospitals delivers around 5.8 million outpatient appointments of which around one quarter are new and three quarters are return appointments. It is vitally important that people get fast access to advice and support, self-management information, and, where needed, get to see the right health professional as quickly as possible to ensure care is delivered in as responsive and person-centred a manner as possible, and, critically, as close to home as possible. We have also seen significant growth in Outpatient numbers – over 400,000 extra patients now being seen on an annual basis compared to 2017. Looking to the future, a new approach must fit with a wider plan for transformation, in particular transformation of general practice, primary care and community health services. The new approach is about promoting collaboration between clinical teams in primary, secondary and tertiary care to develop solutions that best meet the needs of the local population and at the same time appropriately managing workload across the system, valuing the contribution of all staff. To ensure genuine collaboration we undertake a need assessment to focus our attention on the local interface between primary and secondary care, bringing local decision makers together to promote innovation and the solutions that best meet local needs. The Modern Outpatient Information System will be progressed over a three-year time span starting with strategic planning in December 2019 and will build on the direction set within the Primary Care Transformation Program and National Clinical Strategy in 2020 and 2021 respectively. Keywords: Outpatient information system, Collaborative healthcar

    The impact of mobile phones on the well-being of micro-entrepreneurs in Indonesia

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    Studies suggest that both mobile phones and micro-enterprises contribute significantly to social and economic development in developing countries. More recently, the discourse of development has changed. Development is no longer conceived of and measured by only in economic terms, but is also linked to social well-being, political structures, the physical environment, and human development (which is about giving people choices and enhancing individual ability to pursue preferred values). Research into use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in developing countries needs to be re-adjusted to keep in step with the current approach where well-being (such as social relations within a community, gender, and the psychological and religious spheres) need to be considered. Current research on ICT for Development (ICTD) and particularly on mobile phones and micro-enterprises is lacking consideration of these spheres. This study focuses on understanding the impact of mobile technologies for human development in Indonesia. The central question that is addressed is whether, under what conditions, and how mobile phones can enhance the ability of individuals and communities to create and use opportunities to achieve the lifestyle which they value for themselves. Drawing on qualitative research design, this study investigates the use of mobile phones and their implications for micro-entrepreneurs’ well-being in Indonesia. Fieldwork was done in two cities in Indonesia, which are Makassar and Bandung. A grounded analysis is used to guide collection of data and to construct theory from the data. The findings from the interviews and observations led to an extensive exploration of business and personal usage of mobile phones, well-being perceptions of micro-entrepreneurs, defining elements of well-being, the dynamic proportion and inter-connections between elements, and the inter-relationships between mobile use and well-being perceptions. The findings are presented as models depicting the impact of mobile phones on micro-entrepreneurs’ well-being. The research explores the usefulness of the Capability Approach (CA) as a human development perspective